Mark Roundings

Situation 1: Reach mark rounding

CLICK HERE to download Case 63, Port Tack Approach.

Red and Blue are approaching a windward mark to be left to port.

Both boats are approaching on port tack.

Blue is clear ahead at the zone.

Blue sails below a direct line to the mark.

Red is overtaking and attempts to do so to the windward side of Blue.

Blue hails between P2 & P3 "no mark room; luffing."

Red has time to respond and turn short of the mark.

Red continues and doesn't have room to round the mark without hitting luffing Blue.

Blue bears off and doesn't cross head to wind until after the collision.

Did Rule 18 shut off and Blue foul Red or did Rule 18 not shut off and Red foul blueor does something else apply?

Situation 2: Rio Grande Cup

Approaching the mark, Blue said to Orange "you don’t have mark room".

Blue believed her tack was completed just beyond the mark, and still bearing off for the next mark, but boats were not moving very fast; Blue was not sure if tack was too close. Blue does not believe Orange was beyond the mark when contact occurred. Did Blue leave enough room? Blue wasn’t trying to “shut the door” and hadn’t tacked next to the mark.

Blue thought that if Orange hadn’t tried to round the mark, Orange would have passed astern of Blue. Blue did not think Orange was trapped inside but suspects Orange would claim he was trapped inside.

Blue said “Orange you hit me” but does not recall saying “protest”.

Later, things got more heated when Orange was leeward and taking Blue above the course to the next mark, and Blue began to ask “what are you doing + ?” because Blue didn’t think Orange had the right to do that, and Orange was shouting “I didn’t have room.”

At this point Blue tacked away from Orange.

Situation 3: Windward mark rounding

Both boats approaching on port tack, leeward boat gives wide gap to trailing boat

Yellow boat must avoid contact!

Leeward boat luffs up to prevent trailing boat from getting room Luffing Up

Trailing boat must keep clear!

Resulting in traiing boat, with no rights, forced out.

Because trailing boat is leeward after the mark rounding, yellow boat must avoid contact when her tack is complete.